For who ?
United Kingdom has a magnificent network of observers and sentinels that covers the entire national territory.
The hunters
Why ?
This program has the sole ambition of relying on you to collect your field observations, analyze them, return them to you, enhance them and use them if necessary as an argument for defense against the multiple attacks to which hunting is subject. .
This Observatory answers the questions you often ask yourself: where are the thrushes, ducks, wood pigeons or such and such a species less observed here one year but very abundant elsewhere?
In addition, these results will make it possible to better monitor migration and wintering as well as reproduction in addition to research conducted with more complex protocols.
When ?
For simplicity we have divided the year into two periods:
« migration/wintering” and “reproduction».
For the “migration/wintering” period, you are asked to note the direction of movement of the birds observed in flight.
For the “breeding” period, you are asked to note the number of flying birds and the number of “non-flying ones”.
You keep your hunting habits, your circuits, your sectors. Simply put your observations on an identical sheet for everyone, what could be simpler and more useful for memory!
What species ?
the National Citizen Observatory covers all species of migratory birds that can be hunted:
- Land migrants
- Water birds (geese-ducks-rallids)
- Shorebirds
- Phalacrocoracidae
How to participate ?
To participate, an online entry on this site is planned which will facilitate the collection and processing of data (see the observations page).
In addition, each observer has permanent access to his own observations which are classified in the “My files” section and which everyone can easily find by year, month, municipality, species, etc.
What could be better than being able to come back precisely to your past observations and keep them!
To make this Observatory a useful and relevant tool, remember, among other things, to note on each outing, the municipality of observation, the start and end time of your observations, which will allow us to express the results per hour. observation and weather conditions.
Let’s not deprive ourselves of new technologies and put them at the service of hunting and not the other way around.
For who ?
United Kingdom has a magnificent network of observers and sentinels that covers the entire national territory.
The Hunters
Why ?
This program has the sole ambition of relying on you to collect your field observations, analyze them, return them to you, enhance them and use them if necessary as an argument for defense against the multiple attacks to which hunting is subject.
This Observatory answers the questions you often ask yourself: where are the thrushes, ducks, wood pigeons or such and such a species less observed here one year but very abundant elsewhere ?
In addition, these results will make it possible to better monitor migration and wintering as well as reproduction in addition to research conducted with more complex protocols.

When ?
For simplicity we have divided the year into two periods :
« migration/wintering » et « reproduction ».
For the « migration/wintering » period, you are asked to note the direction of movement of the birds observed in flight.

For the « breeding », period, you are asked to note the number of flying birds and the number of « non-flying ones ».

You keep your hunting habits, your circuits, your sectors. Simply put your observations on an identical sheet for everyone, what could be simpler and more useful for memory !
What species ?
the National Citizen Observatory covers all species of migratory birds that can be hunted:
- Land migrants
- Water birds (geese-ducks-rallids)
- Shorebirds
- Phalacrocoracidae
How to participate ?
To participate, an online entry on this site is planned which will facilitate the collection and processing of data (see observations page).
In addition, each observer has permanent access to his own observations which are classified in the « My files » section and which everyone can easily find by year, month, municipality, species, etc…
What could be better than being able to come back precisely to your past observations and keep them!
To make this Observatory a useful and relevant tool, remember, among other things, to note on each outing, the municipality of observation, the start and end time of your observations, which will allow us to express the results per hour. observation and weather conditions.
Let’s not deprive ourselves of new technologies and put them at the service of hunting and not the other way around.